Cultural lag and Zambian women
There is a term that I recently came across unbeknown to me before a month ago. The word is "cultural lag" and it got me thinking about a lot of things specifically in the Zambian sense. Cultural lag refers to a situation where culture takes time to catch up with the latest advancements in technology and innovations and this has been a source of a social problems across different cultures. We often hear older generations complain about how "the youths of today have lost their culture" so my question is have we really lost our culture or we have evolved and the older generations are failing to embrace this evolution? I believe culture comes as a consequence of norms established over time and while cultural preservation is important for identity, some elements of our culture aren't so progressive and can be subjected to secular intellectual debate and thus improved on. When I read Chinua Achebe's Things for apart, I was bemused to learn that it was once their...